“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love...and then we return home.” - Australian Aboriginal Proverb. My purpose is to bring healing and to help you awaken the Divine within, and at least share some things of beauty & interest along the way.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
i cannot pull my self away........
Well, here I am hours away from having to leave the farm. It's been sheer joy for me to take some time out for myself....self indulgence, solitary freedom...by choice. What more could a girl ask??!! Yesterday I had a chat with my darling friend Carina and we commented on how most people are unable to be totally alone, even for a short time. Is it fear of having to face yourself? To acknowledge the things within you that hurt, that are inconceivable, that you cannot live with? Is it fear of your dark side, the night, being alone, attack (which is a very real thing here in South Africa where violent crimes are a day to day reality). I love being alone... I enjoy my own company! I have no fear whatsoever. For me there are 2 emotions that drive us...love and fear. More love = less fear. This has a parallel in the Native American tale which I am sure most of you have heard...the 2 wolves that battle within each of us...good and bad (love and fear)...which one wins?? The one you feed.
This has been a time of great healing, peace, joy, inner reflection, planning and purpose....THANK YOU CARINA... I'll be back!
Here are some pics of this beautiful place.
This has been a time of great healing, peace, joy, inner reflection, planning and purpose....THANK YOU CARINA... I'll be back!
Here are some pics of this beautiful place.
how weird is this.....
Another report from my time on the farm here in Heidelberg. On my 1st day I went for a walk down the dusty, red farm road leading up to the dwellings. I noticed the ruins of what I thought was a house but didn't investigate further. The following day on my walk I decided to go and check it out. I realised as I got closer that it was a graveyard...it was customary in the old days for farmers to bury their loved ones on the farm rather than schlep the body to the local cemetery (mostly because of distance, we have big farms here in South Africa). As I approached the 4 graves, my heart jumped in my chest – the name on 2 of the tombstones was “van den Heever” – my maiden name. I gasped!! It’s not a very common name such as Botha or van der Merwe or Smith and I understand that all van den Heevers are related, and that not too far. I checked the names and dates of death – 1932. That was WOW for me. Knowing that I was on the very farm where distant relatives lived and died was almost an epiphanic moment (alomost only because I am not sure of the family connection!).
In the time since then, I have like a deep sense of belonging, it’s as if I am home, but I am not even sure how closely related we were. It has just been very special for me to experience all the soul and spirit stuff that I have over the last few days on ground that for us van den Heevers (or me at least!!) feels hallowed.
In the time since then, I have like a deep sense of belonging, it’s as if I am home, but I am not even sure how closely related we were. It has just been very special for me to experience all the soul and spirit stuff that I have over the last few days on ground that for us van den Heevers (or me at least!!) feels hallowed.
my sacred djembe.....
Isn't she beautiful?? OK OK.....I know some of you will argue that ALL djembe's are sacred....but this one has very deep, special significance for me...I made it myself, from scratch, angle grinded it into the correct shape, decorated it with porcupine quills and gemstones and then painted it...the awesomeness is that just a few days after I started the project I had a vivid dream of what to paint on it...I have been holding onto that vision for a while but thanks to total peace and quiet I have been able to finish the artwork whilst here on the farm...its been about 7 weeks since I started so I have a real sense of accomplishment. Now Piet must show me how to do the roping and skinning and I'm done. It's bit lop-sided, but hey, so am I!!
I say a BIG "Thank you" to my kannoni Piet Aarde for guiding me in this work...and thanks to his beautiful wife Mama Cha Cha (just because)....you are my flames mates for sure.
I say a BIG "Thank you" to my kannoni Piet Aarde for guiding me in this work...and thanks to his beautiful wife Mama Cha Cha (just because)....you are my flames mates for sure.
i touched nature.....
The wind has been howling for 2 days....last night was full moon....so there's a combination of 2 of my most favourite energies in nature. I grabbed a duvet and pillow and headed outside. What a totally awesome blessing it is to be able to lie under the stars, feel the chill wind on your face whilst wrapped up snug and warm....I looked out over the dam to a veld fire on the neighbouring farm..that was a sight, especially watching as the wind picked up...but I could hear voices so knew it was a controlled burn. The clouds were stunning, racing across the moon, which bathed me in her gentle light..... the haunting call of a few jackals out on the prowl just rounded off a perfect encounter with Earth.
I am blessed beyond measure.....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i am a healer empath......
If you feel you are also an Empath and would like to connect with others take a look at http://empathcommunity.ning.com.
Healer 100%
Judge 95%
Shaman 95%
Universal 85%
Precog 85%
Artist 85%
Traveler 70%
Fallen Angel 60%
Bear Woman Dancing is a painting by the inspirational artist Susan Seddon Boulet
Sunday, October 12, 2008
interesting reading iro current global financial status...
People clearly are losing faith in the various denominations of money and their financial institutions. In this let us instead look towards gaining a greater faith in the Divine Spirit and an understanding that as transition takes place, all levels of change are affected. The time can be used by each of us to encourage study group members and friends to look beyond the clouds of uncertainty for answers to life that will come through their own higher planning. This means using the LIVING POWER of cosmic consciousness and creativity—rather than remaining shackled to another chapter of in-debt slavery to the modern pharaohs of economic pyramid building. It is the false pyramid-building schemes that are now falling apart.
Let us select for ourselves higher investments of life. Vast emotional energy loss and agony can be averted personally and globally if we can use this energy for higher breakthroughs of understanding the realignment of humanity with a much higher source of power–the true Divine. Of course, we all need to be practically prepared for the changes. On a global scale, new energy breakthroughs can bring about a positive global transformation.
The first thing, therefore, is to THINK POSITIVELY knowing the ups and downs of history are managed successfully by those who see and create positive, humanitarian options.
Second, be realistic and don’t try any ‘get rich quick’ schemes. Set aside the economics you need to survive and PLACE YOUR MONEY IN A SAFE PLACE, whether you see that as a FDIC insured bank or some other type of environment.
Third, stop the debt on credit cards and DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH BORROWING MONEY from friends and loved ones. Emergencies will arise in the future where you will need their support then, so don’t take advantage now. Prepare yourself! Try to grow a small vegetable garden that you or a friend can cultivate together. If you live in a city try sprouts and smaller plants, understanding that costs of food and transportation will continue to accelerate, so look for alternative cars, share rides, or even get a bicycle.
Your spiritual family will be there for you but you have to CULTIVATE SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIPS with respect and understanding, now. Also locate a few close friends or relatives in rural areas where you can go for security in case of failure of the urban infrastructure due to economic fallout.
And above all cultivate strong weekly PRAYER GATHERINGS WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE who know how to pray and who can help mobilize higher insights and collective planning that will be less costly if emergencies develop in your community.
And importantly, WORK TO MITIGATE FEAR, knowing you are on the winning side of life.
Remember, you are the new frontier. Value who you are! The task before us requires that we focus more courage and work in conjunction with the Divine within and without and to use inspired Knowledge and the Sacred Names (the spiritual food) which goes with the physical food of sustainable planning. This should be done as a daily exercise with music as it builds up the physical-mental-spiritual body.
Everyone wants to know: What’s next? Changes are upon us, but exactly how rapidly and severe they take place is based on the consciousness of the species. We all have free will! We now need to simply watch for further warning signs, to determine whether we will further move towards greed and avarice or more towards fellowship and unity. That will determine the next global and personal steps that we should take for humanity.
In the blessed work of the Divine Names, please continue your prayers,
Prof. Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. D.E. Hurtak
(as posted to "Keys of Enoch" group on Facebook)
People clearly are losing faith in the various denominations of money and their financial institutions. In this let us instead look towards gaining a greater faith in the Divine Spirit and an understanding that as transition takes place, all levels of change are affected. The time can be used by each of us to encourage study group members and friends to look beyond the clouds of uncertainty for answers to life that will come through their own higher planning. This means using the LIVING POWER of cosmic consciousness and creativity—rather than remaining shackled to another chapter of in-debt slavery to the modern pharaohs of economic pyramid building. It is the false pyramid-building schemes that are now falling apart.
Let us select for ourselves higher investments of life. Vast emotional energy loss and agony can be averted personally and globally if we can use this energy for higher breakthroughs of understanding the realignment of humanity with a much higher source of power–the true Divine. Of course, we all need to be practically prepared for the changes. On a global scale, new energy breakthroughs can bring about a positive global transformation.
The first thing, therefore, is to THINK POSITIVELY knowing the ups and downs of history are managed successfully by those who see and create positive, humanitarian options.
Second, be realistic and don’t try any ‘get rich quick’ schemes. Set aside the economics you need to survive and PLACE YOUR MONEY IN A SAFE PLACE, whether you see that as a FDIC insured bank or some other type of environment.
Third, stop the debt on credit cards and DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH BORROWING MONEY from friends and loved ones. Emergencies will arise in the future where you will need their support then, so don’t take advantage now. Prepare yourself! Try to grow a small vegetable garden that you or a friend can cultivate together. If you live in a city try sprouts and smaller plants, understanding that costs of food and transportation will continue to accelerate, so look for alternative cars, share rides, or even get a bicycle.
Your spiritual family will be there for you but you have to CULTIVATE SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIPS with respect and understanding, now. Also locate a few close friends or relatives in rural areas where you can go for security in case of failure of the urban infrastructure due to economic fallout.
And above all cultivate strong weekly PRAYER GATHERINGS WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE who know how to pray and who can help mobilize higher insights and collective planning that will be less costly if emergencies develop in your community.
And importantly, WORK TO MITIGATE FEAR, knowing you are on the winning side of life.
Remember, you are the new frontier. Value who you are! The task before us requires that we focus more courage and work in conjunction with the Divine within and without and to use inspired Knowledge and the Sacred Names (the spiritual food) which goes with the physical food of sustainable planning. This should be done as a daily exercise with music as it builds up the physical-mental-spiritual body.
Everyone wants to know: What’s next? Changes are upon us, but exactly how rapidly and severe they take place is based on the consciousness of the species. We all have free will! We now need to simply watch for further warning signs, to determine whether we will further move towards greed and avarice or more towards fellowship and unity. That will determine the next global and personal steps that we should take for humanity.
In the blessed work of the Divine Names, please continue your prayers,
Prof. Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. D.E. Hurtak
(as posted to "Keys of Enoch" group on Facebook)
Friday, October 10, 2008
what this power is I cannot say.......
all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it ~ Alexander Graham Bell
Thursday, October 9, 2008
rest at last......
Yay!!! No projects for next week, so time for some self indulgence....definitely some serious navel-gazing.....rebonding sessions with my dogs - I think they are sorely p%@#* at me for being away so much. Last weekend I slept out on the lawn, surrounded by my "wolves" - invigorating fresh air, cool and crisp as the darkest part of the night wrapped itself around me....bliss.
Thanks Carina that I can visit in your neck of the woods - I am truly looking forward to some me time.
Hey!! Did anyone else notice some really weird energies tonight (Thursday) - all my electronic stuff was playing up, babies and children behaving differently, and some odd stuff going down?? NO!! It's not just me......
trying to understand.....
Monday, October 6, 2008
it's happening at an ever increasing pace.....
last month I posted a Cree Indian saying reflecting their wisdom on how precious our planet and her resources are.
Sadly the greed is right on my doorstep in a most tangible way...there are plans underway to start excavating a quarry in Hennops River Valley - one of the most beautiful areas in this province, imbued with awesome energies, steeped in ancient mysticism and spirituality. Most of the area is a conservancy - how this can even be considered is beyond my comprehension. Some dedicated stalwarts in our peaceful Valley are campaigning to put an immediate stop to this lunacy - please add your voice by emailing me - lee@lifespace.co.za.
This cannot be allowed to happen - corporate consciousness WILL make a difference.
Light and love to you all
for more info on our Valley visit http://www.rhenosterspruit.co.za/
a most wondrous, magic moment....
I had a very beautiful encounter today. Started my newest mural project, painting Hannah Montana on a little girl's wall and butterflies, bees, dragonflies and other lovely "goggas" (South African for insect) on a her baby sister's wall. As I finished the rough sketch, I noticed a buzzing in the room. I was surrounded by about 12 bees who seemed to be checking out what I had created. I love these industrious workers so didn't panic. But how to get them out - there were plenty more outside so I had to close the door. I just started humming/singing in a rather high pitched tone and called them to me - here's the magic, the wondrous thing - slowly, but surely, one by one, the bees came to the door where I stood and allowed me to let them out...........it took a while, but I was enraptured by the incredible connection I made with them. Weird??? For sure!!!! But a stunning experience!
As my beekeeper/drummer extraordinaire/craftman friend Piet Aarde said, it's"BzzZZzz concsiousnezzZzzZ"
live yor miracle....
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson, spiritual activist
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