Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dreams...the Language of Spirit

I love dreaming....and if I have had dry nights without, I feel deprived.

I believe most dreams are significant and speak to us with some or other message.  I'd like to share how I have worked with and processed dreams (probably in a few parts, as it's a vast topic), hoping to help you to understand yours better.

Like any aspect of our spiritual selves, this needs practice to be perfected.  I strongly recommend that you keep a dream journal.  I have been doing so for more than 15 years.  Having this record helps me to look at back and see the patterns and symbolism that is unique to me.  There are so many books available on dream interpretation, and they are good to use, but as with all of my healing work, I have learnt intuitively and with guidance from God and Great Spirit.  Each symbol or situation will elicit different responses for each person ~ e.g. some people fear flying, whereas I love it!  So to begin....

  • learn to discern between what I call pizza dreams (those that you get from eating to much rich pizza) and significant dreams - the latter will leave you with a sense of "I have to pay attention" or will recur in most of its elements.
  • keep your journal and a pen at your bedside and get into the habit of recording the moment you wake from your dream ~ they have a tendency to vanish like mist, unless it's a dream of strong portent which sits in my mind for days.
  • in your journal write a brief description of the dream remembering colours and the emotions you felt
  • below this make columns ~ Key Word, Colour, Emotion ~ and record all
  • meditate on your dream, process over a few days and see if there are other signs or symbols coming to you ~ keep a note of these as well. Ask for clarity and understanding ~ you are supported!
  • refer back to your journal from time to time ~ you may see things with greater clarity over time
  • if you have validation of your dream, something that really resonates with you, record that as well

 As you work with this basic formula, you dreamwork will become clearer and hold more meaning for you.  I will post more on this soon, in the meantime have fun!

Just BE .........

Are things as hectic for you???  Is your day also filled with only 17 hours??  I was encouraged to read that others are experiencing the same.

We are certainly living in exciting, challenging, trying, productive, hectic times....but for me, it has been a great lesson on a number of fronts.
  • I am fully surrendered to Creator...knowing that as I yield and trust, the Divine Plan is unfolding as it must.
  • Yes, we should have goals, dreams, purposes and a plan, which I do... but even in that framework, things don't always work as I envisage....and that's OK! They work out as they should! To quote a great visionary

  •  It's OK to just breathe and be...those times of refreshing and restoring are required.
  •  Have fun along the way
  • Trust you intuition...your gut...your instinct...the small voice inside where Spirit resides.
  • Work on your own inner stuff...what I call "dealing & healing" ...we cannot change that which we do not acknowledge and confront.  Everything we need to assist ourselves with spiritual evolution is within...yes we may need support and assistance and that is always available too - through our Divine helpers and angels, and through other humans, who often "just happen" along our paths at the right time with the right words.  Develop your sense of discernment and connection to Great Spirit ~ the more you do, the easier it becomes to just know.  Trust me on this!
  • I often found myself at a crossroad, with the choice of going east or west ~ there were times in my life where the decision was agonising ~ but I have come to accept that it's all OK and which ever way you choose, that is your next decision....and if it is a meander, we're always gently brought back onto our path.
  • Know that you are NEVER alone!