Saturday, August 30, 2014

Yay! Snow!

I was fully expecting to wake up to snow this morning, but no such luck.  I know my friend Zani thinks I am crazy as winter is my favourite season, but what's not to love?!  I touched snow for the first time in November 2010, in Portugal.  I was like a child, running round and catching flakes on my tongue, laughing and crying!  An unforgettable moment.  I took some great photos of that time which you can see on my travel blog 
( and

We were warned of an intense cold front which would hit the Western Cape on Wednesday, moving up north, to arrive in our valley on Thursday, together with forecasts of snow on the mountains.  YAAAAY!!!  Was I thrilled!

We didn't really get any here, but I took these pics on the way to Worcester yesterday.


BUT .......

Last night was the coldest I have been in South Africa.  No warm body next to me, no heater, no fire! So contrary to the norm, I wore PJs, socks, a soft snoesie dressing gown, blanky below, blanky above, duvet and thick blanket, plus a warm pashmina wrapped around my head!!!  Not exactly The Vamp, but I eventually fell asleep, quite snug!

Out 'n About in Grootkloof & Surrounds

So here are some more photos of my home.  I love it here, still pinching myself and am eternally grateful.  

Zsofie, the adorable Hungarian Vizsla, who "speaks", gets very excited when I return (even after 3 minutes), thanks me with a big kiss EVERYTIME I give her food and really loves her walks up into the kloof.  


The farm and surrounding areas

Cattle have right of way!
our mountain

Dinner plate sized proteaa

We also have crop circles in the Cape!!
And the cold front arrives!
Canola fields

Voëls Verg Geduld

I have seen such beautiful birds, especially in the honeysuckle bushes, but despite my most valiant efforts, I am not quick enough to get to the camera.  One day last week, I must have scrambled 3 or 4 times to try and capture the simply magnificent sunbird, eventually setting the camera up in a permanent spot and spending at least an hour or more, waiting for that perfect shot.  He didn't even appear again!

On Thursday the cold front hit us and despite the heavy rain, the little birdies were out and about, excitedly doing their thing. There were 3 that seemed to play tag!  Of course, same old same old, I tried to catch them, to no avail.  I decided, what better way to spend the next hour than patiently waiting.  I hid behind the curtain of my bedroom (NO!!  I had no plans of going out into the rain to shoot!).  

Patience paid off!  Not the crispest of photos - those little guys are soooo fast!  But at least you can see the beautiful colours and in one or 2 their needle-like beaks drinking nectar.  What a Joy!!!

(I think this is the malachite sunbird and the little grey one is a sugarbird)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Numeric Codes & Synchronicity ~ Our Souls Awaken

and so it goes... a phenomenon that has been presenting itself for some time, but I personally have noticed an upsurge in my own life and also in those of many of my connections.

I believe it's a reminder to us of our deep connection to Spirit and serves as a tool to help us to be mindful.  Very often in the last few months I have seen the synchronistic numeric codes precisely at the moment that I am busy researching an important subject for my own growth or meditating on a burning question.  There is an ocean of information to be found on everyone's good friend, Google!

So it's like a flag that comes up and reminds me to be more conscious and take heed of the many signs and symbols (often so subtle that we miss them).  I see them everywhere!

Today's moment, at 11:11 (which prompted this posting) was as I began working on my 11 year old vision of a healing sanctuary.  I am not quite there, but I have taken many steps forward and prepared myself (and others I hope!) to actualise my dream.

El Shammah shall come!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Gratitude, Gratitude & More Gratitude

There is not a day that goes by that I do not look about me and feel my heart bursting with gratitude.  The mind of a man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps ~ Prov 16:9.  This has been so true for me especially the way in which this home fell into my lap, straight from Heaven! I AM that I AM, so YHWH's Divine Purpose IS my mind and my heart, but sometimes we try to push in our own strength/wisdom??  Bit of a conundrum for me.  But yes!!  A more perfect answer to my prayers this last while could not have been given.  My cup overflows!

Misty mornings almost every day

My new studio - at last!!

Zsofie loves her walks

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Slithery

There is a lesson for me to learn regarding snakes!  I have never feared them, nor have I had a desire to get to know them better.  But it seems it is time.  One of the archetypes in Munay Ki is the Serpent and as I worked through that, I had quite mind-blowing revelations of who/what snake is and how those characteristics related to me and my being.  Needless to say it was liberating in many ways and also quite healing.

So a new encounter has come across my path - this is how it went down on Facebook's Shamanic Community group page.

Lee  I have been waiting for a long time for a place to call home after 6 years of Spirit led nomadic living ... the answer to my prayers and intentions arrived last week. I move in tomorrow (8 August 2014) but have since heard that there is a snake living in the roof of the farm house. It is 1 of the 5 most venomous in our country but not aggressive. I have no fear but also no desire to cohabit!  Have been enquiring as to the reason/lesson/challenge whatever. I would appreciate fellow shamans' comments
Brandi              The message of snake is about shedding our old Self and embracing change
William             Perhaps you will be given a path to a Snake Totem. Or, it's just local rumor. I'd go with the spirit side myself.


Snake, Power Animal, Symbol of Death, Rebirth, Eternity, Mysteries of Life, Psychic Energy
As Snake sheds its skin so we can shed our illusions and limitations. Then we are able to use our vitality and desires to achieve wholeness.
Snakes deserve respect. Throughout history the snakes have had many legends surrounding them, linking them to creation, fertility and transformation. Nowhere are the differences between cultures and religions more sharply emphasized than in their attitudes towards Snake, differences which will also uncover different vistas on elementary aspects of being alive.
On one level, the differences relate to sexuality. We see the snake enticing Eve in the Garden of Eden, being symbolized as Vinata the Indian goddess, or shown as the legs of Cernunnos the Celtic fertility god. In Hinduism, kundalini, or serpent fire, is coiled at the base of the spine. As we mature emotionally and spiritually, the energy rises, stimulating the chakras, which are emotional, mental, and spiritual energy centres. This is also shown in the worldwide symbol of the spiral. This flow of energy is indispensable for good health, and the Greeks, in their own understanding of this, used the snake as a symbol of healing and wisdom.
In Israel the snake was regarded as the earth mother and played a role in fertility. In Egypt the cobra was known for its ability to expand the upper neck into a disc shape by spreading its ribs, symbolizing immortality. Snake was also considered to represent inner vision. Christian lore sees the snake rising from the chalice of St. John, wound around a cross sometimes portrayed with a woman's head to depict lust and temptation.
For time immemorial people have associated Snake with both male and female aspects of sexuality. In religions where sexuality, in both its physical and spiritual aspects is celebrated, Snake has been held with honour. More repressive belief systems have linked snake to evil.
The Celts sometimes called the Druids, leaders and teachers in poetry, music, the law, spiritual wisdom, and healing, adders. Sadly, the more stiff practitioners of the Judeo-Christianism seemed to fear wisdom. When St. Patrick bragged that he had driven all of the snakes out of Ireland, he meant the Druids. The apple the snake gave Eve was from the Tree of Knowledge.
This is just a start to the contradictory attitudes towards Snake. The snake also represents aliveness, as expressed in sensuality - in this case meaning feeling and responding to stimuli, and more generally, to the flow of energy which creates us and makes us alive.
When snakes shed their skin, they metamorphose into a new being. This is very significant to those with snake as power animal, symbolising our ability to shed beliefs and habits which we have outgrown, moving into higher spiritual energy. The ability to do this is wisdom.
The shedding of the skin is also associated with astral travel and out of body experiences. The eyes of a snake are always open and are protected by immobile transparent scales. Before shedding their skin the snakes markings become obscure and the eyes appear opaque or blue, giving them a trance like appearance as if they are looking right through you. Learning how to see into the hearts of others is part of what we are taught by snake.
On the deepest level Snake's skin shedding symbolizes death and rebirth, an idea which is depicted by the image of a snake swallowing its own tail, a symbol of eternity. The Snakes medicine is not to be treated lightly. Its meaning touches on the deepest mysteries in life. If you are ready to shed your own skin, Snake is ready and waiting to guide you through the spiral path of transformation. On a material level snake is vitality, on an emotional level ambition and dreams, on a mental level intellect and power, and on the highest level, the spiritual level wisdom, understanding and wholeness.
Snakes / serpent's power includes - Being the messenger of the Rainbow Serpent, wisdom, healing, initiation, elusiveness, manipulation of lightning, transmutation, exploration of the mysteries of life, primitive or elemental energy, protection from religious persecution, goddess energy, psychic energy, creative power, immortality and the connection to, or forming, the magic cord by which the shaman travels to the soul world. Snake medicine is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, that all is one.
Snake is a powerful animal guide, a symbol of transformation and healing. The snake is wisdom expressed through healing. This is a protector and guardian. If snake has come into your life, your creative forces are awakening. Your intuition will strengthen and be more accurate.
When on the move snakes make no noise whatsoever. They are invisible when resting and are unable to produce their own body heat, often to be seen lying in the sun. The suns warmth together with their behavior regulates their body temperature. They don’t rely on the energy of food to generate body heat and can survive on scanty diets for long periods of time. Those with snake as power animal need very little food for energy. They are usually cold, with body temperatures below average, and prefer warmer climates.
Snakes do not have eardrums nor external ear openings. Instead they have small bones in the head that conduct sound. They can hear low frequency sounds and sense vibrations that travel through the earth. This links them to the underworld where secrets are kept.
The snake depicts healing on a cellular level. With their lightweight and flexible bodies they possess extremely fast and agile. If snake enters your life, expect swift changes to sweep through your life. These changes denote death of the old and a birth into untapped power, creativity and wisdom. Snake is very powerful to have to have as a guide. It is the guardian of sacred places and the keeper of concealed knowledge.


Lira                  You have the power to be like a snake... flexible, adaptive, wise, ability to shed what is outdated... the list goes on. You will be very happy in your new home and Snake will be happy in another home 

Belinda             Snake is my power animal and the way I transform at the mo it's breakneck speed thanks to snake. Very exciting for you.

Ravynwolfe  Gift its spirit...make an offering and talk to it about how this is your new home and how you appreciate it but would be happy if it could make it's home elsewhere. Then wait.

Brandi              I do that ^^^ with spiders and it usually works 

Lee                   Thank you all ... I value the input and sharing. I believe this is a continuation of my inner work with snake from Munay Ki ... excited for what lies ahead
Lira                  I am so thrilled for you my sister 

Lee Anne           Snake ... a reptile, smooth as silk, often lethal - poison or constriction. Feared and reviled with forked tongue, an evil omen of trickery, deceit. in ancient times snake was honored, revered; a sure sign of the never ending cycle of life and death. Her undulations a wave upon the Earth. SSSSSS ... a flowing line. Intertwining lines of DNA ... sacred symbol Ouroboros. The snake hasn't changed in two thousand years but our perception of this creature has. If you haven't met or taken a walk on the wild side ... take a ride on the serpentine trail.

Brett    Call someone to remove it. Sometimes we must rely on the gifts and talents of others and be vulnerable enough to ask for and accept help. (And I do mean physically call someone to physically remove it.) 

Ani                   ^^^ I agree ^^^

Ani                   Sometimes a cake is just a cake...even if it is a snake.
JoAnn   Yes, I agree. A venomous snake can still kill a spiritual person. I would err on the side of caution and have it physically removed. If you don't, how settled are you going to feel in your new home, knowing you share it with something you really can hardly share space with peacefully? I had a couple of snakes living near me a few years ago, and I was completely fine with that. If I startled one sunning itself on my front steps, I would apologize! But when I heard a rattler outside my bedroom window, I spoke to my landlord and ascertained that they don't live there normally. It may have been passing through as it migrated. If it had stayed, I would have taken steps. There's "live and let live," and there's justifiable caution and precaution. 

Lee Anne           practical advice is smart 

Lee                   Yip I certainly feel he needs to go ... I won't sleep to easy as he has fallen out of the ceiling once before : / It's a boomslang (boom means tree in Afrikaans) I'm asking him "what about boom do you not understand" !!!! So I will certainly take to heart the symbolic spiritual messages but the practical will prevail !

Belinda             Bye bye snake but huge gratitude to the much misunderstood creature. Love snakes but venemous ones - love them from a very very safe distance as our own lives are precious and sacred!

Simon   Have you tried asking snake to leave? If not, get somebody to move it for you

Kundalini  If you are going to remove the snake, do it humanely. Don't have it destroyed, find a reptile park that will care for it, then you could visit it after. The snake moves softly upon the earth:)
 My kundalini/shamanic awakening really began in Bali. I was staying in an eco-lodge in the jungle. I asked the barman were there any snakes. He told me that no, there were no snakes in Bali! He'd obviously been told to tell this to the tourists. I said that was a shame as a I loved snakes. He thought for a bit then informed me that one of the largest pythons in captivity had actually been caught in the grounds of the hotel! I went to see it and it was stunning. After this conversation as I walked back to my room, a small multi-coloured snake slithered across the path in front of me:) 

Peng     the only answer lies with us, as part of the shamanic journey to find answer within
Terry   Good to ask the snake

Lee                   Soooo...some updates!! Elke who has been living here for 4 years told me that I shouldn't worry too much as she only sees the snake maybe 2 or 3 times a year. He fell from the pergola a few weeks back and she got the fright of her life and ran!! He must have had an even bigger fright! And then 14 days ago (or so) she saw him out of the roof, eating a bird - there are swallows nests. Snake is snake, and he must eat!! I arrived on Friday 8th at about 2pm and Elke immediately took me for a tour of the property. When we got to the guest cottage where snake mostly appears, she showed me the grapevine and said this is where he often is. Lo and behold - there he is in all his glory!!! Almost like a "Hello Lee! Welcome!" Definitely a boomslang but smaller than what she had previously seen, so I suspect there is more than 1. The ceilings are what we call "latte" which is basically reed, but there is insulation material above that, so he/they cannot really fall through into the house. They have their holes in which they gain access to the roof.

Two nights later (Elke has by this time left for her overseas trip) I am on my own, writing my blog, when I hear a strange sound!!??!! Go to investigate and there Isis the one eyed cat is "playing" with a small snake. The lighting is bad, so I cannot see if it is a harmless brown housie or maybe a baby Cape cobra, I suspect the latter as it is raising its head and make threatening gestures. The cat gives it few whacks...I get a broom and try to manoeuvre it out of the way. I see that it tires and slithers off. thinks "Yes there are many snakes here - Cape cobras, puff adders, boomslangs, but they don't really come to where the people and animals are. But no!! For Lee it's 2 in 2 days. I had a very long talk to the roof dweller on my way here - it is a 2 hour journey by car. With respect, I recognised the message, but asked it to please not come into my space. The snake man I contacted will try to come and remove it, but he said as long as I don't mess with him, he is unlikely to mess with me (in the physical that is!!)

 Cape Cobra

Thanks again for taking time to read my post and to offer your wisdom. All are much appreciated. I hear him in the roof as he slithers from one side to another - about a 60 metre space, but we are in peace.

(P.S. – I have had 4 close up encounters with snakes in the last 8 months, and previously maybe 1 in 10 years – so I reckon there is definitely a message for me in this.  I am ready!!)