Saturday, May 21, 2016

Living as a Hollow Bone

Some things we just "know", others we learn over time, others we never quite get!!  This week I had an amazing manifestation in my body of what was going on in another's life, definitely on both an energetic and physical level, showing the interconnectedness of the web of life.  This happens to me quite often, it is something I have consciously chosen, I see it as an aspect of my healing gift.  It opens a channel through which emotions, struggles, pain etc can be shifted, very often bringing the required healing or release to the other, even if they are not aware at the time.

Image found on

As healers, especially those just realising their gift, we need to be cognisant of this empathic quality.  Left unbridled it can wreak havoc with one's self.  Especially if you are of a caring, compassionate nature (which healers often are!!), it is easy to "take on" others pain and sorrow.  So taking good care of your own space, mindset and energy is vitally important as you practice your gift of healing.  It is not necessary to be open to all that so many are experiencing, but as we hone the gift, we are more able to keep our own vibration high but still be of service.  As each drop in the ocean makes up for the greater part, so each of us is a spark of the Divine and as we heal and shift our own “stuff” the Universal Consciousness also heals and shifts.  In my experience this is so needed at this point of our evolution.

So if you feel out of sorts, have physical symptoms that are inexplicable, just pause for a moment and ask, “Is this mine?” Your Inner Voice, Higher Self, The Spirit within, will always have the answers.  We should just listen and take heed.  If it’s yours, be gentle and loving to YOU and allow yourself whatever time and rest to overcome.  Pay attention to your body and messages from Spirit.  If you sense it is not yours and choose to allow yourself to be a Hollow Bone for the healing of another, do what you need to do in a mindful way.  The benefits are out of this world!

For the one who shifted so much this week, in the words of the great peacemaker, Mahatma Gandhi, “My wisdom comes from a greater Source. I salute that Source within you.  Let us work together for unity and love.”  Brave and courageous Being, you shine brightly!  Yes, you have more work to do, we ALL have more work to do.  I am always there for you, a Hollow Bone and a heart filled with love.

Image from Buck Mosley

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