Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Numeric Codes & Synchronicity ~ Our Souls Awaken

and so it goes... a phenomenon that has been presenting itself for some time, but I personally have noticed an upsurge in my own life and also in those of many of my connections.

I believe it's a reminder to us of our deep connection to Spirit and serves as a tool to help us to be mindful.  Very often in the last few months I have seen the synchronistic numeric codes precisely at the moment that I am busy researching an important subject for my own growth or meditating on a burning question.  There is an ocean of information to be found on everyone's good friend, Google!

So it's like a flag that comes up and reminds me to be more conscious and take heed of the many signs and symbols (often so subtle that we miss them).  I see them everywhere!

Today's moment, at 11:11 (which prompted this posting) was as I began working on my 11 year old vision of a healing sanctuary.  I am not quite there, but I have taken many steps forward and prepared myself (and others I hope!) to actualise my dream.

El Shammah shall come!


Lee said...

The 11:11 has been happening to me for at least 8 years, maybe longer, but it's quite phenomenal how it's accelerating and the other codes are coming in to play, not only for me but many others.

From Sunday night (14/09/14) to Monday afternoon (15/09/14) I saw 22:22, 23:23, 12:12, 16:16 and 17:17 all in less than 24 hours ... my ears are perked up and my spirit receptive.

I would love to have more comments and input!

♥ ♥ ♥

Unknown said...

That's wonderful Lee!

I've been experiencing the same for a little over a year now and every time I see it I am pleasantly surprised. Reminding me how beautiful life really is.
