Sunday, August 3, 2014

We Are Engaged In An Inter-Dimensional War

I felt to share this with you - keep what resonates and discard that which does not sit well with your spirit.  Fear is the opposite of Love - I remember when I was in Portugal, participating in a workshop for energy healers.  We were about 20 in the room and although the material was presented in Portuguese, my dear friend, was translating for me.  We were asked to make a list of the things that we feared. I watched as the others furiously wrote for 15 minutes.  I was at a loss to write anything down.  I truly have no fears.  I felt like the odd one out, but realised that I was actually in a very beautiful, strong, powerful place.  Recognising the evil that can create fear and adding our good intention to counter-act that, is often construed as fear of the very thing - it is a precarious tightrope we spiritual warriors walk.  May I always have the humble heart, grace and mercy to walk it in Truth.

This is from Gillian at Shift Frequency.

There’s an Inter-Dimensional War Engaging Us
“Whether we know it or not, whether it’s spiritually correct to speak in this way or not… Humanity is being engaged in an Inter-dimensional War.

“It’s a full on assault of our sense and sensibilities, designed to shut people down from their higher dimensional awareness and inter-connectivity with the divine. It’s an intervention, which has been around on Earth for thousands of years, creating a system of control that has ridden rough shod over the natural evolutionary path of the planet, bringing her to the point of destruction. - Openhand

How is this war engaged?


“Fear interferes with conscious awareness, clear thinking, true knowing and in turn conscious behavior and makes for a highly manipulable state of being. It’s not only toxic and debilitating, but fear is contagious as well as addicting.

“This lower level vibration of fear has many esoteric derivations and origins. Whether people are aware of the underlying spiritual nature of our Universe or not, it is profoundly real. Where we get these fear impulses is a subject unto itself that anyone on the path of truth comes upon, but we each experience these influences. One of the most profound realizations that comes from understanding fear, besides its use as a social engineering tool, is that fear is an intrinsic energy source for parasitic controllers and entities, both human and non-human. Understanding the archonic agenda as revealed by the Gnostics is essential for grasping the bigger picture.” - Zen Gardner

And yet the ones who create all this chaos, scarcity and death are themselves held in the grip of fear.

“The elites and those fully entrenched in and using this parasitic control system live in constant worry and fear, and they should. Not only are they foisting it on others and hence bathed in it, but the very real ultimate outcome of their demise and facing the consequences of their actions looms over them like a dark spectre. Why else do they feel the need for bodyguards, armed motorcades and heavily fortified dwellings? All of those with hoarded riches, as well as power, are continually afraid they’re going to lose it. Why? Because they will lose it all, and pay a lot of other overdue karmic bills at the same time.  - Zen Gardner

In the meantime they work their twisted spells and unleash multi-layered threats that steer imaginations in the direction they seek. They are adroit at using trusted voices to convince followers concerning some event they need energy to trigger.

“Just now, many are falling into the trap of declaring that we are inevitably heading for a Third World War. But in so doing they are merely fulfilling the ambitions of those craven agents of death whose game design includes that scenario. Our role is not to prophecy, but to change the goal posts so as to ensure that such horrors never take place. That is the meaning of ‘seizing control of our destiny.’” . - Julian Rose

For in truth

“[w]e need to see through the media storm and all the accompanying garbage they’re emanating, and avoid getting contaminated by it. It’s spiritual fly paper and one thing can easily lead to another if we get on the wrong track or vibration, taking in useless, toxic information or seemingly innocuous so-called entertainment. They’ve loaded it all up with hitchhiking energies so we need to be extra vigilant.” - Zen Gardner

How did we get here?

Through deception and fraud.

We have arrived here because of the accumulated evidence which overwhelmingly proves that the status quo is a fraud – designed to strip us of our powers of judgement and the determination to act on that judgement. There is no time for further deliberation of the pros and cons of this or that political polemic. It’s all a miasma. A massive sham. A sham which we continue to uphold as long as we go on playing along with its sense of self importance; giving it a status it does not actually possess, and then sheltering under its poisoned wing.”  -Julian Rose

Where do we go from here?

Self governance.
“Self government starts by taking control of the self. By shaking off the doubts about one’s capabilities and taking specific steps to enhance one’s powers: spiritually, mentally and physically. We need to be aware that there is no predestined design for this life that will fatalistically play itself out while we bury our heads in the sand.” - Julian Rose

“Stay free and keep the peace that comes from consciously aware knowing. A secure confidence in the rightness of all things essential. That’s where our hearts need to be centered.” - Zen Gardner
Until next time,


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