Sunday, August 3, 2014

Why Blog????

I started this blog in August 2008 as a platform to record my musings for my own posterity.  Just in case my memory starts to fail me (although it is unlikely... I have the genetic make-up for healthy, "got it together" octogenarianism).

Then I found that I was writing a great deal of what was important to me on the dubious and controlled Facebook.

I have decided to revert to my blog - this is where I will express my heart, hopefully each day, and also use it as a means to develop the scribe's good habit of writing for an hour each day, even if it is drivel.

Bear with me!  Join me! Let's have fun sharing.

(image courtesy of jonaswrites)

1 comment:

Lee said...

my kids may not always agree with the memory thing :)