The buzz around Elenin, Niburu, Planet X has reached almost frenzy levels. I started investigating Wormwood, of the Holy Bible in about 1994. Since then, and in particular over the last few years many other accounts from various sacred texts and messages through the Spirit of G-d have come to me. There truly is just SOOOOO much happening at the moment that ties in with the prophecies of many sacred has to be a half-wit not to see that things are hotting up in many scenarios. This is not a declaration of the end of the world but it is certainly a wake-up call for those who still slumber. I have always said to people with whom I share my beliefs and who do not believe as I do "You must take what I give you, seek wherever you are led for your own confirmation, use discernment, wisdom and your inner compass...if I am "wrong" and it's all hogwash, then fine...the laughs on me, and maybe in this case you will have enough food and water for 6 months!! BUT if what I believe is true, the consequences for you are dire and the suffering could be immense: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
My friend Jerry Thornton (we both belong to the Keys of Enoch and Academy of Future Science Facebook groups) shared this today. Please do your own research - there is much information as well as disinformation. At the end of the day I celebrate being here at this time - it is the time to which we were called, to participate - the how is still your choice! My prayer for all mankind and our planet is that we connect with G-d and align ourselves to the Divine Purpose.
So thanks to Jerry for putting so much of what I was working on these last few weeks into a very good commentary, he saved me so much further work!! Here it is, with my own highlights in purple to make selective reading easier!!
I truly value your comments so please add them here, follow me if you like (I would love that, it encourages the artist to work!!) and if you find yourself in a place of fear or in need of healing, I am there for you - just mail me
My friend Jerry Thornton (we both belong to the Keys of Enoch and Academy of Future Science Facebook groups) shared this today. Please do your own research - there is much information as well as disinformation. At the end of the day I celebrate being here at this time - it is the time to which we were called, to participate - the how is still your choice! My prayer for all mankind and our planet is that we connect with G-d and align ourselves to the Divine Purpose.
So thanks to Jerry for putting so much of what I was working on these last few weeks into a very good commentary, he saved me so much further work!! Here it is, with my own highlights in purple to make selective reading easier!!
I truly value your comments so please add them here, follow me if you like (I would love that, it encourages the artist to work!!) and if you find yourself in a place of fear or in need of healing, I am there for you - just mail me
Critical Earth Changes
July-Dec 2011
Date of this Report August 5, 2011
Important please see these videos first before reading!!
Newest Footage from Antarctica
32º of Insanity : 8.4.11 - Nibiru, ELENIN, Neumeyer Station, SOHO/STEREO &more!
NEW! 32º of Insanity : 8.5.11 - Nibiru, ELENIN, Neumeyer Station, SOHO/STEREO &more!
911!!! NEW! 32º of Insanity : 8.4.11 - Nibiru, ELENIN, Neumeyer Station, SOHO/STEREO
This report includes many sources, and I do not claim it as my own. My conclusion is my own opinion. It is your responsibility to do your own ‘Due Diligence’ and to make your own determinations. When you do your research, you will find that there are many detractors on the internet. It’s important to keep an open mind and to realize that there are those who may purposefully propagate false information and stories to create even more confusion and chaos and to keep us from realizing the truth. However, I believe that the earth changes and other facts presented here are indisputable. Those of you who think that these earth changes are ongoing and continual are seriously underestimating the urgency of the current situation. Presently, there is a huge increase in solar, earthquake, and volcanic activity, along with the ongoing disarray of global economic downturns. As of this writing, the US stock market is on its tenth straight day of losses and all of this year’s gains have been completely wiped out – more than a trillion dollars’ worth - 1.3 trillion, to be more exact. This is the ninth greatest loss in the history of the stock market. Not only is the United States having major fiscal issues, but many other world markets are in very serious economic trouble as well. The Euro is at risk of failing. In fact, according to the news the world has never seen such pervasive global economic disarray.
There are other shocking changes as well. For example, the 400 year old tradition of the Dalai Lama officially ended as of March 9th 2011 when the Dalai Lama resigned and announced that he will not appoint a successor. The entire worldwide Buddhist community is in disarray, as they considered him a living god. They are atheist, and their “god” is no more. Ironically, this information has not received any mainstream news. It was not even a blip on the world news markets. Also, the crisis at Fukushima is ongoing and mainstream news agencies have suppressed some extremely unusual activities surrounding this tragic event, (although, I am now convinced that these activities have been somewhat routine for millennia). I know that you will find this to be as amazing and surprising as I have, but you will have to judge for yourself when you see the videos with your own eyes. Although we are accustomed to hearing about UFO’s, and most of us are intelligent enough to realize that with billions of galaxies in the universe we are likely not alone, there has never been any kind of official announcement to humanity verifying any encounters. Well, apparently there are authentic videos of unprecedented UFO activity present over the atomic plant and before, during, and after the tsunami. However, you can only find this info from Chinese and Japanese news sources. In addition, there is an increase in recorded UFO activity over Jerusalem as well. NASA has also failed to reveal the massive amount of UFO activity on various Apollo and space shuttle flights which has been stored in their archives. Also, it is not a coincidence that there are no more space shuttle flights and that the space station has been abandoned at this time. Have you ever really asked yourself why? There have been massive cover-ups by NASA to prevent our exposure the truth, but fortunately some of it has leaked out for our edification. Eighteen months ago, NASA erected an infrared observatory in the South Pole to observe a celestial body that can only be seen via infrared. It has been postulated that this object has, and will continue to affect this planet, and this information has been exposed by the Russian government.
Why is NASA so afraid to reveal all of this information? I believe, along with many others, that an array of UFO’s is arriving from all over the universe to observe an impending, evolutionary, global shift in consciousness - a monumental event with far-reaching consequences. Many crop circles have clearly indicated that they are here and waiting for the shift on this planet. In fact, Carl Sagan was the expert who was asked to create a message to be sent out to space, and many are aware of that event taking place. But did anyone ever mention to you that we had received an answer? Furthermore, there’s a great amount of Jewish, Indian, and other prophesy which has been fulfilled leading us to the season of what has been called by some as the Day of Purification. This is not to say that it is the end of the world, and do not make that kind of assumption. It is only to say that there are more than enough earth signs and prophesies to recognize that a New Earth is about to emerge. We are only weeks away from the holy number of seven billion souls living on this planet, and that coupled with other celestial events help to indicate that this is a season of change.
It is up to you to determine in your heart what you should do, for the current path of the earth is clearly unsustainable and unconscionable. Man has passed the point of no return and there is no rectifying these errors at this point. When one percent of the population controls 99% of the world’s wealth, and millions of people are starving on this abundant planet, (as has most recently been graphically highlighted by the tragedy in Somalia), it is easy to understand the dire necessity for change from this insanity. Timely changes will certainly come quickly and such changes are now out of the control of man. This is not a time to create more wealth, work on careers, or buy bigger homes. Rather this is a time to contemplate our individual responsibility in creating this situation and its untenable and unconscionable nature. It’s a final opportunity to change our hearts and minds, our consciousness, so that when the new earth emerges we will be prepared as well.
Those who give lip service to G-d will find themselves in a quandary. The choice is quite simple, will we bury our heads and hearts in the sand ignoring all of the signs and continue full steam ahead with making money or advancing careers and act if nothing is ever going to happen, or will we do a 180 degree about face, stop being in denial, and break the illusion that we can consume more than we need, turn our hearts to the Divine and make amends. This is truly a time for contemplation and soul searching. There is a reason that the Dalai Lama has stepped down and said these words, “The day of kings is over.” There is something new on the horizon, and he must know it. He has always been highly regarded as an intelligent, pious, balanced, wise, and holy man. So the fact that he has peacefully relinquished his exalted post and is spending this time as a meek monk in deep meditation, prayer, and ritual at this most crucial of times in history is something to truly ponder.
Please use your own good common sense and discernment when searching your hearts and minds for the truth. I only ask that you read and study all of this information in its entirety before making any final determinations or before taking any actions, including offhandedly dismissing everything as invalid.
In November 2010, a comet was purportedly discovered by a Russian astronomer. I am not a conspiracy theorist, however the community at large believes that NASA had already known about this comet, but did not show it on charts, thus the Russians exposed it. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is responsible for tracking all outer space objects and has named this comet C/2010/X1. It is currently being tracked. The space community has named it ELENIN.
You can see the projected path of the comet here, but it would be best to review the following link after you have read this entire report first.;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1#cad It is important to note that this planet will not hit the earth. This is not the issue. In fact, it will be almost 22 million miles away when it reaches its apogee to the Earth on Sept 26, 2011.
There are several anomalies with this comet that both NASA and the Russian Space Center cannot explain.
Link to Global Monitors for all activities
You can see the JPL projections here
Monitor Solar Activity
Please remember: It is possible that none of these scenarios will occur, but it is highly unlikely that NONE of them will occur. Therefore, it is out of the GREATEST ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION, that it is recommended and necessary to be at least 250 miles from the coast and between 650ft, and no more than 2000ft, in altitude. As far as locations are concerned, the Rockies are too close and too high to the Yellowstone Caldera, if it blows, to be safe. The East coast is not safe either because if the nuclear power plants are damaged, they will spew radioactivity all up and down the Eastern Seaboard, just like happened in Japan.
Once the poles begin their movements, the oceans may begin to slosh around and water may go up quite high onto land - perhaps as high as 1,000 feet or more. It is assumed that the U.K., Western Europe, and Island nation of the Republic of Ireland will be overrun with water. It is predicted that the water could go as high as the Swiss Alps before it settles out and the terrain resembles the Cayce, I AM America, and other maps of earth changes that have been given to humanity.
It is interesting to note that in the The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, by J.J. Hurtak, it is written that the pole reversal would occur when the solar flares hit the electromagnetic field of the earth, which could occur when Elenin comes into alignment in late Sept 2011.
It appears that we actually live in a binary solar system, and this brown dwarf star is actually our Sun’s twin that orbits every 36,000 years.
There is substantially more information available, but I feel this is more than enough for an overview. Call with your questions and if I can answer them I will. This situation is dynamic and fluid and you can expect changes to occur on a daily basis with new information being revealed to confirm what is believed to be happening. This whole event is intimately linked to the consciousness of humanity as we move towards unity consciousness, and anything is possible as the new earth emerges.
Many feel that the earth changes are at a very critical level NOW and it is crucial to prepare. In an abundance of caution, many believe that everyone in Florida, and most areas of both coastlines of the U.S. and Europe, should seek a safe place till at least late Dec 2011. These events have been covered with physical sciences, spirituality, and what our ancestors have told us about the past.
This information has been provided so that you can make comprehensive decisions, and it is lovingly recommended that you do the most diligent and timely soul searching possible to find your answers. Gd bless you and your families as we all are in this together!!!
Jerry Thornton
(You can find Jerry on Facebook)
July-Dec 2011
Date of this Report August 5, 2011
Important please see these videos first before reading!!
Newest Footage from Antarctica
32º of Insanity : 8.4.11 - Nibiru, ELENIN, Neumeyer Station, SOHO/STEREO &more!
NEW! 32º of Insanity : 8.5.11 - Nibiru, ELENIN, Neumeyer Station, SOHO/STEREO &more!
911!!! NEW! 32º of Insanity : 8.4.11 - Nibiru, ELENIN, Neumeyer Station, SOHO/STEREO
This report includes many sources, and I do not claim it as my own. My conclusion is my own opinion. It is your responsibility to do your own ‘Due Diligence’ and to make your own determinations. When you do your research, you will find that there are many detractors on the internet. It’s important to keep an open mind and to realize that there are those who may purposefully propagate false information and stories to create even more confusion and chaos and to keep us from realizing the truth. However, I believe that the earth changes and other facts presented here are indisputable. Those of you who think that these earth changes are ongoing and continual are seriously underestimating the urgency of the current situation. Presently, there is a huge increase in solar, earthquake, and volcanic activity, along with the ongoing disarray of global economic downturns. As of this writing, the US stock market is on its tenth straight day of losses and all of this year’s gains have been completely wiped out – more than a trillion dollars’ worth - 1.3 trillion, to be more exact. This is the ninth greatest loss in the history of the stock market. Not only is the United States having major fiscal issues, but many other world markets are in very serious economic trouble as well. The Euro is at risk of failing. In fact, according to the news the world has never seen such pervasive global economic disarray.
There are other shocking changes as well. For example, the 400 year old tradition of the Dalai Lama officially ended as of March 9th 2011 when the Dalai Lama resigned and announced that he will not appoint a successor. The entire worldwide Buddhist community is in disarray, as they considered him a living god. They are atheist, and their “god” is no more. Ironically, this information has not received any mainstream news. It was not even a blip on the world news markets. Also, the crisis at Fukushima is ongoing and mainstream news agencies have suppressed some extremely unusual activities surrounding this tragic event, (although, I am now convinced that these activities have been somewhat routine for millennia). I know that you will find this to be as amazing and surprising as I have, but you will have to judge for yourself when you see the videos with your own eyes. Although we are accustomed to hearing about UFO’s, and most of us are intelligent enough to realize that with billions of galaxies in the universe we are likely not alone, there has never been any kind of official announcement to humanity verifying any encounters. Well, apparently there are authentic videos of unprecedented UFO activity present over the atomic plant and before, during, and after the tsunami. However, you can only find this info from Chinese and Japanese news sources. In addition, there is an increase in recorded UFO activity over Jerusalem as well. NASA has also failed to reveal the massive amount of UFO activity on various Apollo and space shuttle flights which has been stored in their archives. Also, it is not a coincidence that there are no more space shuttle flights and that the space station has been abandoned at this time. Have you ever really asked yourself why? There have been massive cover-ups by NASA to prevent our exposure the truth, but fortunately some of it has leaked out for our edification. Eighteen months ago, NASA erected an infrared observatory in the South Pole to observe a celestial body that can only be seen via infrared. It has been postulated that this object has, and will continue to affect this planet, and this information has been exposed by the Russian government.
Why is NASA so afraid to reveal all of this information? I believe, along with many others, that an array of UFO’s is arriving from all over the universe to observe an impending, evolutionary, global shift in consciousness - a monumental event with far-reaching consequences. Many crop circles have clearly indicated that they are here and waiting for the shift on this planet. In fact, Carl Sagan was the expert who was asked to create a message to be sent out to space, and many are aware of that event taking place. But did anyone ever mention to you that we had received an answer? Furthermore, there’s a great amount of Jewish, Indian, and other prophesy which has been fulfilled leading us to the season of what has been called by some as the Day of Purification. This is not to say that it is the end of the world, and do not make that kind of assumption. It is only to say that there are more than enough earth signs and prophesies to recognize that a New Earth is about to emerge. We are only weeks away from the holy number of seven billion souls living on this planet, and that coupled with other celestial events help to indicate that this is a season of change.
It is up to you to determine in your heart what you should do, for the current path of the earth is clearly unsustainable and unconscionable. Man has passed the point of no return and there is no rectifying these errors at this point. When one percent of the population controls 99% of the world’s wealth, and millions of people are starving on this abundant planet, (as has most recently been graphically highlighted by the tragedy in Somalia), it is easy to understand the dire necessity for change from this insanity. Timely changes will certainly come quickly and such changes are now out of the control of man. This is not a time to create more wealth, work on careers, or buy bigger homes. Rather this is a time to contemplate our individual responsibility in creating this situation and its untenable and unconscionable nature. It’s a final opportunity to change our hearts and minds, our consciousness, so that when the new earth emerges we will be prepared as well.
Those who give lip service to G-d will find themselves in a quandary. The choice is quite simple, will we bury our heads and hearts in the sand ignoring all of the signs and continue full steam ahead with making money or advancing careers and act if nothing is ever going to happen, or will we do a 180 degree about face, stop being in denial, and break the illusion that we can consume more than we need, turn our hearts to the Divine and make amends. This is truly a time for contemplation and soul searching. There is a reason that the Dalai Lama has stepped down and said these words, “The day of kings is over.” There is something new on the horizon, and he must know it. He has always been highly regarded as an intelligent, pious, balanced, wise, and holy man. So the fact that he has peacefully relinquished his exalted post and is spending this time as a meek monk in deep meditation, prayer, and ritual at this most crucial of times in history is something to truly ponder.
Please use your own good common sense and discernment when searching your hearts and minds for the truth. I only ask that you read and study all of this information in its entirety before making any final determinations or before taking any actions, including offhandedly dismissing everything as invalid.
Important * The Beginning of the Fifth Day of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar System
Important * The Beginning of the Fourth Night of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar System Important * Message of the Maya 9th Wave
Dalai Lama visits US: why did Tibetan leader step down?
Jerusalem City UFO daytime Jerusalem UFO Close Up
Amazing UFO Fleet Over Fukushima Japan March 26, 2011
Tsunami Hits Japan! Live Footage Please review 1:33 and 2:03 there are light orbs
NIBIRU shadows over Antarctica landmass & Personnel witness BROWN Dwarf and Nibiru in the SKY
UPDATE NIBIRU shadows over Antarctica landmass & Personnel witness BROWN Dwarf and Nibiru in the SKY . In this video the USA has removed parts that were included before.
Important * The Beginning of the Fourth Night of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar System Important * Message of the Maya 9th Wave
Dalai Lama visits US: why did Tibetan leader step down?
Jerusalem City UFO daytime Jerusalem UFO Close Up
Amazing UFO Fleet Over Fukushima Japan March 26, 2011
Tsunami Hits Japan! Live Footage Please review 1:33 and 2:03 there are light orbs
NIBIRU shadows over Antarctica landmass & Personnel witness BROWN Dwarf and Nibiru in the SKY
UPDATE NIBIRU shadows over Antarctica landmass & Personnel witness BROWN Dwarf and Nibiru in the SKY . In this video the USA has removed parts that were included before.
In November 2010, a comet was purportedly discovered by a Russian astronomer. I am not a conspiracy theorist, however the community at large believes that NASA had already known about this comet, but did not show it on charts, thus the Russians exposed it. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is responsible for tracking all outer space objects and has named this comet C/2010/X1. It is currently being tracked. The space community has named it ELENIN.
You can see the projected path of the comet here, but it would be best to review the following link after you have read this entire report first.;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1#cad It is important to note that this planet will not hit the earth. This is not the issue. In fact, it will be almost 22 million miles away when it reaches its apogee to the Earth on Sept 26, 2011.
There are several anomalies with this comet that both NASA and the Russian Space Center cannot explain.
- Dr. Mensur Omerbashich from Cornell University has authored a very critical paper proposing direct scientific evidence that earthquakes of 6+ magnitudes, including the 8.8 Chilean earthquake and the 9.2 Japanese earthquake, occurred during very specific alignments of Elenin and other celestial bodies. Please see “Astronomical Alignments As Cause of ~M6+ Seismicity.” Here is a link to Cornell University and the paper.
- On March 9, 2011 a full two days before the Japanese 9.2 earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011, a warning was given to Japan of an impeding earthquake by a noted astrophysicist. It was clear that comet ELEnin was going into alignment and the probability of a large earthquake could occur. The Japanese Government failed to warn their people and 23,000 people died. Elenin was 2.55 A.U away from the earth at that time. When it reaches apogee on September 26, 2011, it will be much closer, only .23 A.U away from the Earth (although, at the time of this writing, I believe that this figure has actually been revised and that it is expected to be even closer than that), and it will also be in full alignment with the Sun. It is at this point that the poles are expected to be reversed and massive solar flares are expected to be headed to earth. This alignment will trigger much greater electromagnetic forces on the earth than experienced during the March 11, 2011 alignment. This is a VERY important video: BIG eathquake to come!! Get away from the Fault Zones!!
- NASA, The Russian Federal Space Agency, and many astronomers have noticed that Elenin does not follow a predicable path at times like all other planets and space objects. In fact, it has slowed down at times and then sped back up. These varying speeds are not at all normal and thus these movements throw off the calculations of the predicted path. All of these agencies have had to adjust their charts to keep with Elenin.
- NASA has said nothing publicly about this very unusual behavior, but The Russian Federal Space Agency has said that they believe this comet is being intelligently controlled. The Russian government is far more advanced in remote viewing that the U.S government. Those remote viewers have indicated that there is a brown dwarf star behind Elenin. They further stated the comet must be either an artificially created object on a natural orbit or a natural object on an artificial orbit.
- It appears that NASA has blacked out the area where Elenin is at. Thus hiding what is behind it. Brown dwarf stars can only be seen under infrared. Check out Google Sky.
- Currently magnetic North is known to be RACING at 40 miles per year towards Russia and it is increasing in speed daily. It rarely even moved in the past 100 years prior. The former theory that the earth’s iron core is causing this shift is inaccurate. It appears that Elenin is creating this change as it is trying to make the earth orbit around it, rather than the sun.
- The Russian government is at this time trying to finish building 5,000 underground shelters in Moscow because of this threat.
- ELEnin may not be just a comet. It is a dwarf brown star.
- Earthquakes and volcanoes are coming faster and faster and stronger and stronger as Elenin approaches the Earth. Please see the links below for the U.S. government’s official monitoring websites.
- The aquifers in Florida and Texas were moved for several hours when the alignment points were hit. Such a force could only come from an object of tremendous mass.
- The Yellowstone and New Madrid Calderas lava flows are active and are getting hotter and hotter. The USGS has installed monitors at Yellowstone. NASA has issues a warning to their employees and it is assumed that the calderas will blow. Edgar Cayce's map indicates that both of these Calderas will blow and reshape the coastlines. According to this map, most states to the west will no longer be there. The U.S. Navy has a new map with the new coastlines that looks like a synthesis of the I AM America map and Cayce's map.
- Edgar Cayce has indicated that the end of times will start when Iceland’s volcanoes begin erupting. That just occurred on July 11, 14, 15, 2011. Check this link.
- In California, over 70 earthquakes have been recorded since Thursday July 14, 2011. This is known as a swarm of earthquakes and the USGS indicates this is a precursor to volcanic activity. The Yellowstone Caldera may blow soon. This is a 1000km super volcano that when fully erupted will allow water from the Pacific Ocean to fill that entire region as indicated on both the Cayce and I Am America maps. California and other Western states will possibly be no more.
- Sept 26, 2011 will be a strong alignment point for comet Elenin (as stated earlier, it will be .23 A.U, or less, away from Earth at that point) and we will see a huge increase in earthquakes. It is feared that Japan will be no more by Oct/Nov. They were hit with another 7.3 on Sunday July 10, 2011 as a further sign to those that can hear to move out. Alaska was hit 2 weeks ago and a huge quake hit off the coast of New Zealand on the July 6. (In fact, several…). This is a very important warning video.
- 7,500 earthquakes hit shattered New Zealand city
- Earth Changes Composition Map : This is a composite map from Edgar Cacye , Toye, and others.
- Earth Change Maps and Map Database. This is a comprehensive, encyclopedic website for research.
Link to Global Monitors for all activities
You can see the JPL projections here
Monitor Solar Activity
Please remember: It is possible that none of these scenarios will occur, but it is highly unlikely that NONE of them will occur. Therefore, it is out of the GREATEST ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION, that it is recommended and necessary to be at least 250 miles from the coast and between 650ft, and no more than 2000ft, in altitude. As far as locations are concerned, the Rockies are too close and too high to the Yellowstone Caldera, if it blows, to be safe. The East coast is not safe either because if the nuclear power plants are damaged, they will spew radioactivity all up and down the Eastern Seaboard, just like happened in Japan.
Once the poles begin their movements, the oceans may begin to slosh around and water may go up quite high onto land - perhaps as high as 1,000 feet or more. It is assumed that the U.K., Western Europe, and Island nation of the Republic of Ireland will be overrun with water. It is predicted that the water could go as high as the Swiss Alps before it settles out and the terrain resembles the Cayce, I AM America, and other maps of earth changes that have been given to humanity.
It is interesting to note that in the The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, by J.J. Hurtak, it is written that the pole reversal would occur when the solar flares hit the electromagnetic field of the earth, which could occur when Elenin comes into alignment in late Sept 2011.
It appears that we actually live in a binary solar system, and this brown dwarf star is actually our Sun’s twin that orbits every 36,000 years.
There is substantially more information available, but I feel this is more than enough for an overview. Call with your questions and if I can answer them I will. This situation is dynamic and fluid and you can expect changes to occur on a daily basis with new information being revealed to confirm what is believed to be happening. This whole event is intimately linked to the consciousness of humanity as we move towards unity consciousness, and anything is possible as the new earth emerges.
Many feel that the earth changes are at a very critical level NOW and it is crucial to prepare. In an abundance of caution, many believe that everyone in Florida, and most areas of both coastlines of the U.S. and Europe, should seek a safe place till at least late Dec 2011. These events have been covered with physical sciences, spirituality, and what our ancestors have told us about the past.
This information has been provided so that you can make comprehensive decisions, and it is lovingly recommended that you do the most diligent and timely soul searching possible to find your answers. Gd bless you and your families as we all are in this together!!!
Jerry Thornton
(You can find Jerry on Facebook)
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