Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The End of a Season Pt1

It was on July 31 2008, in the early hours of the morning, just before waking, that I clearly heard The Voice telling me I should give my landlord notice, put my entire home into storage and make myself free and available to go wherever prompted by the Spirit.

I woke with a start, and felt a whole bunch of mixed emotions.  I loved my home, a big comfortable thatch in the countryside, space for my dogs and I, a huge studio in which to create, just perfect for me.  I had let go of material attachments some years before, so the prospect of being without my things was not an issue.  The thought of what might lay ahead was both exciting and full of trepidation.

I had recently come out of a relationship with a man I thought was to be my forever partner.  It was blissful and perfect, and then like a wisp it was over.  I felt at the time as if my heart had been ripped from my chest.  But YHWH and time are great healers and I got on with my journey.  This new adventure was possible even more so that I had no-one else to consider but myself.

And now I have completed a full 6 year cycle of nomadic living.  In this time I travelled to Portugal and most unexpectedly and Divinely guided, spent 9 months there, whilst also visiting France and Ireland.  More of that time can be read on my travel blog http://gypsy-lee.travellerspoint.com/. If you are bored with reading stuff that is irrelevant to you, I have some damn fine photos you could look at J.  I have experienced great spiritual growth, have met amazing people, had some challenges that built my character and been able to enjoy spontaneous living.

But about a year ago I began longing for my own space again.  I felt this season was drawing to a close.  My heart has been in the Western Cape for more than 25 years and I decided to reunite it with my body.  I took an incredible road trip in July/Aug 2013, covering more than 550km in 35 days.  I visited some lovely little rural towns in search of my landing spot and just knew this was where I needed to be.  With no permanent address to go to, but invitations from a few really precious friends.  I packed my car with the most important things and headed off to Kommetjie in Oct 2013.  Thank you Sam for your love, warm hearth and heart and the beautiful times we shared.  A glorious home right on the beach, stunning lap pool, fireplace, the mountains and sea.  And I got to be on my own for 2 weeks, which is still a great treat for me having been in company of others 99% of the time for 6 years!  For someone who describes herself as an almost hermit, that means a great deal to me!  And then we had to move.  When I visited in July I noticed a house up on the hill, fronting on to the nature reserve.  I remember saying to myself “I would love to live there”.  At the 11th hour (yet again!) Sam called me to say she had found a spot …lo and behold the house I had seen in July!

Life has a way of gently easing me into new situations.  Although I have been very happy and grateful these last 9 months, there has been a deep longing to put my roots down again, to have my own space with my stuff in it.  The Overberg was an area that really appealed.  I love the mountains and farmlands … but more of this in Part 2!

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